ifo Business Survey

Three Times More Unused Offices in Germany Than Before the Pandemic

Remote working is leaving many German offices empty. “Currently, 12.3% of all on-site workstations are underused on an average day because of remote working. Before the pandemic, in 2019, the figure was only 4.6%,” says ifo expert Simon Krause. “In other words, the percentage of unused workstations in offices has roughly tripled.”

These recent average figures conceal considerable differences. In the service sector, the share of unused workstations rose from 6.2% to 16.8%. In manufacturing, it increased from 3.1% in 2019 to 9.6%. Increase was limited in trade (from 3.2% to 5.8%) and in construction (from 1.7% to 2.5%).  Offices are particularly empty in IT, advertising and market research, management consulting, and the pharmaceutical industry.

“About a quarter of employees regularly work from home. Some companies are converting empty offices into coworking spaces for more face-to-face interaction on office days. Others are reducing their space requirements so as not to waste money on unused offices. This may have consequences for the real estate market, which is already under pressure due to higher interest rates and construction costs. Moreover, the decline in office use is hitting downtown areas particularly hard. An above-average number of offices are located there, and the stores in these areas are suffering from lower retail sales because of remote working,” Krause says.

Infographic, underused office capacity due to remote work, april 2023
Infographic, underused office capacity due to remote work, april 2023
Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2023
Simon Krause, Doktorand, ifo Zentrum für Industrieökonomik und neue Technologien

Simon Krause

Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
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Survey Results