Paper in Academic Volume

A leading indicator for equipment investment

Joachim Gürtler
Elgar, Cheltenham, 2007

in: Goldrian, Georg: Handbook of survey-based business cycle analysis, 2007, S.197-201

In the 40 successful years of its existence, leasing has proved to be a reliable engine for investment. With the high market share it has achieved, the assumption is almost obvious that leasing, which concentrates solely on one central business are of investing, can be used for statements on the development of equipment investment in the economy as a whole. The question to be examined is: What distinguishes leasing in particular and is the leasing industry suitable for forecasting the development of total German equipment investment in Germany? From the results of the Ifo Business Survey in the leasing sector, a first attempt was made in 2000 to construct an accurate indicator for the forecasting of equipment investment.

JEL Classification: E370,L890

Included in

Monograph (Editorship)
Georg Goldrian
Elgar, Cheltenham, 2007
Ifo Economic Policy, 2

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