Working Paper

Education policy and tax competition with imperfect student and labor mobility

Tim Krieger, Thomas Lange

Discussion Paper No. 01

In this paper we analyze the effect of increasing labor (i.e. graduates’/academics’) and student mobility on net tax revenues when revenue-maximizing governments compete for human capital by means of income tax rates and amenities offered to students (positive expenditure) or rather tuition fees (negative expenditure). We demonstrate that these instruments are strategic complements and that increasing labor mobility due to ongoing globalization not necessarily implies intensified tax competition and an erosion of revenues. On the contrary, the equilibrium tax rate even increases in mobility. Amenities offered to students (or rather tuition fees) may either increase or decrease, and, overall, net revenues increase. An increase in student mobility, however, erodes revenues due to intensified tax and amenity competition.

Discussion Paper No. 08/01 DFG Research Group "Heterogeneous Labor: Positive and Normative Aspects of the Skill Structure of Labor"