Beitrag zu Sammelwerk

On the methodology of business cycle analysis

Stefan Mittnik, Klaus Wohlrabe
Elgar, Cheltenham, 2007

in: Goldrian, Georg: Handbook of survey-based business cycle analysis, 2007, S.223-243

The business cycle is a complex phenomenon which attracts both scientific and public attention. For the latter case it is the pattern which displays the status of an economy as a whole including welfare, employment and social issues. for the former case we consider two main questions to give an idea of the basic methodology of business cycles.

Schlagwörter: Wissenschaftliche Methode, Konjunktur
JEL Klassifikation: C100,E320

Enthalten in Zeitschrift bzw. Sammelwerk

Monographie (Herausgeberschaft)
Georg Goldrian
Elgar, Cheltenham, 2007
Ifo Economic Policy, 2

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