

An important goal of the ifo Institute is to make its scientific findings, analyses, survey results, and statements accessible to as many people as possible. We therefore offer a wide range of publications for different target groups with the aim of stimulating economic policy debate. Here, our own authors as well as members of the ifo’s wider networks and other experts have the opportunity to publish relevant findings and debate them publicly.

7 hits:
Article in Journal
Stephan Geschwind, Felix Rösel
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2021
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2021, 28, Nr. 5, 07-09
Article in Journal
Cornelius Plaul
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2019
ifo Dresden berichtet, 2019, 26, Nr. 6, 23-26
Article in Journal
Clemens Fuest, Lea Immel, Volker Meier, Florian Neumeier
ifo Institut, München, 2018
ifo Schnelldienst, 2018, 71, Nr. 22, 23-29
Monograph (Authorship)
Clemens Fuest, Lea Immel, Volker Meier, Florian Neumeier
ifo Institut, München, 2018
ifo Studie im Auftrag von Haus & Grund Deutschland – Zentralverband der Deutschen Haus-, Wohnungs- und Grundeigentümer e.V. sowie ZIA Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V.
Article in Journal
Gerhard Graf
ifo Institut, München, 2016
ifo Schnelldienst, 2016, 69, Nr. 24, 24-27
Article in Journal
Wolfram F. Richter
ifo Institut, München, 2016
ifo Schnelldienst, 2016, 69, Nr. 22, 22-25
Article in Journal
Markus Söder, Thomas Schäfer, Wolfram Scheffler, Gisela Färber, Dirk Löhr, Helmut Dedy, Ralph Henger, Thilo Schaefer, Peter Tschentscher
ifo Institut, München, 2016
ifo Schnelldienst, 2016, 69, Nr. 18, 03-26
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