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Would you like to receive regular information about research results, important publications, selected events, personnel details, dates and much more from the ifo Institute?

We offer various newsletters to keep you up to date on your area of interest - register directly.

  • ifo Newsletter
    • The ifo Newsletter is a free service of the ifo Institute and is sent by e-mail every month. It informs you (in German) about new research results, important publications, selected events, personal news, upcoming dates and many more items from the ifo Institute.

      Current Issue (in German)


      We place great importance on your privacy and would like to inform you of our privacy policy. We treat your information confidentially in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, which has been in effect since 25 May 2018. In order to provide you with more transparent and clear information on how we process your personal information, we have divided our privacy policy into various chapters. In this description you will find the basis on which the data is stored and how we use the data. Here, you can also find out more about your rights, such as how to access your information and how to restrict the use of your information. For more information see Privacy Policy

      Register below for the ifo Newsletter:

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  • ifo Dresden Newsletter
    • The ifo Dresden Newsletter is a service offered by the Dresden Branch of the ifo Institute, which regularly reports on the branch's current publications and events. It is dispatched every two months around the publication date of the journal ifo Dresden berichtet.

      Current Issue (in German)


      We place great importance on your privacy and would like to inform you of our privacy policy. We treat your information confidentially in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, which has been in effect since 25 May 2018. In order to provide you with more transparent and clear information on how we process your personal information, we have divided our privacy policy into various chapters. In this description you will find the basis on which the data is stored and how we use the data. Here, you can also find out more about your rights, such as how to access your information and how to restrict the use of your information. For more information see Privacy Policy

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  • ifo Education Newsletter
    • The ifo Center for the Economics of Education publishes a quarterly newsletter available free-of-charge via email featuring information on its latest research results, publications, selected events and other related topics of interest.

      Current Issue


      We place great importance on your privacy and would like to inform you of our privacy policy. We treat your information confidentially in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, which has been in effect since 25 May 2018. In order to provide you with more transparent and clear information on how we process your personal information, we have divided our privacy policy into various chapters. In this description you will find the basis on which the data is stored and how we use the data. Here, you can also find out more about your rights, such as how to access your information and how to restrict the use of your information. For more information see Privacy Policy

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Jasmin La Marca CV

Jasmin La Marca

Crossmedia Editor
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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