ifo Dresden

The Dresden branch, founded by the ifo Institute in 1993, conducts empirical economic research that focusses to the special concerns of the East German federal states and, in particular, the Free State of Saxony. Most of the contributions of ifo Dresden is policy-driven, which means that it intends to provide policymakers with propositions for focused action. For example, ifo Dresden examines how structural change can be supported in a specific and socially acceptable manner, which factors influence economic developments specifically in the Free State of Saxony, and how current and future fiscal policy challenges can be responded to. The effects of demographic change are also considered as a cross-sectoral theme. Many of the research findings can be applied to other structurally underdeveloped regions in Germany.

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Research Focus

  • Business Cycles and Growth
  • Public Economics and Funding Policies
  • Regional and Sectoral Structural Change
  • Demography

Service Focus

  • ifo Business Climate of East Germany and Regional Evaluation for Saxony
  • ifo Economic Forecast East Germany and Saxony

“Within the field of economic research, we still need to get a much better understanding of how policymakers can effectively shape structural change.”

Prof. Dr. Marcel Thum, Director of ifo Dresden

Our Publications

Cover ifo Dresden berichtet
Publication series

ifo Dresden berichtet is a bi-monthly, German-language journal. Covering business activity, structure and economic policy, the publication of the Dresden branch of the ifo Institute is mainly concerned with the development of the economy and the labor market in Saxony and the other new German states.

Cover ifo Dresden Studien
Publication series

Results of comprehensive research projects are published in the book series ifo Dresden Studien. The titles of the issues give a reasonably full account of the research profile of the ifo Dresden Branch.

Our Events

Veranstaltungsraum der Dresdner Vorträge für Wirtschaftsforschung

In the series Dresdner Vorträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik, prominent economists present their latest research findings in economics and finance.

Closeup Kaffeetassen Lunchtime Seminar ifo Dresden

In the midday seminar staff members of the TU Dresden, the ifo Institute as well as external academics present and discuss their current research results. 

Visitor Information

ifo Institute Dresden
Einsteinstraße 3
01069 Dresden

Phone: +49(0351)26476-0
Fax: +49(0351)26476-20
E-Mail: dresden@ifo.de


Portraitbild Prof. Marcel Thum
Prof. Dr. Marcel Thum
Director ifo Dresden
Main Focus
Public Economics
Labor Economics
Industrial Organization
Portraitbild Prof. Joachim Ragnitz
Prof. Dr. Joachim Ragnitz
Managing Director ifo Dresden
Main Focus
East Germany: Regional Development
Structural Change
Cyclical Developments
CV Foto Katrin Behm

Katrin Behm

Research Assistant
CV Foto von Beate Görner

Beate Görner

Management Assistant (ifo Dresden)