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ifo Kolleginnen und Kollegen
Dr. Stephanie Dittmer und Prof. Clemens Fuest, Vorstand des ifo Instituts

Executive Board of the ifo Institute

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest (President)

Dr. Stephanie Dittmer (Member of the Executive Board)





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Statement — 16 March 2021

The debt brake enshrined in Article 115 of Germany’s constitution has been the subject of controversial debate since its introduction in 2009. Critics argue that in the event of major economic slumps, the maximum permissible deficit for the federal budget of 0.35 percent of gross domestic product (GDP) is too small, even when adjusted for cyclical effects. The debt brake also leads to an excessive reduction in government debt and creates incentives to neglect public investment. Moreover, interest rates are so low that significantly more government debt can be afforded.

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