
The people behind the ifo Institute offer the very high level of expertise and experience needed to fulfill our research and service mandate.

ifo Kolleginnen und Kollegen
Dr. Stephanie Dittmer und Prof. Clemens Fuest, Vorstand des ifo Instituts

Executive Board of the ifo Institute

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest (President)

Dr. Stephanie Dittmer (Member of the Executive Board)


1 hits:

What are the economic consequences of changes in the labour market and the population? This is the focus of the ifo Centre for Labour Market and Popu-lation Economics. With the help of theoretical analyses, modern econometrics and on the basis of specific data sources, it approaches previously unresolved questions. The aim is to inform politicians and the public about the cause-and-effect relationships underlying the most pressing social problems of our time.

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