
The people behind the ifo Institute offer the very high level of expertise and experience needed to fulfill our research and service mandate.

ifo Kolleginnen und Kollegen
Dr. Stephanie Dittmer und Prof. Clemens Fuest, Vorstand des ifo Instituts

Executive Board of the ifo Institute

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest (President)

Dr. Stephanie Dittmer (Member of the Executive Board)


68 hits:
Media Center – 18 March 2022
Media Center – 12 September 2022
Prof. Clemens Fuest
Dr. Carla Krolage
Prof. Theresa Kuchler
Christina Langer, KU Eichstätt
Dr. Annika Bergbauer, Q_PERIOR AG
Media Center – 5 May 2021
Prof. Andreas Peichl
Mansour Aalam, Stiftung Grundeinkommen

The basic security system in Germany is in need of reform. Are minimal reforms enough, or is a complete break with the system necessary?

Media Center – 1 July 2022

Equal work, equal pay? No. According to the Federal Statistical Office, women earn on average 18% less than men. Why is the gender gap even significantly larger and where do we need to make further improvements in Germany in terms of gender equality?

Media Center – 8 April 2020
Prof. Timo Wollmershäuser
Prof. Oliver Holtemöller, IWH Halle
Prof. Stefan Kooths, IfW Kiel
Dr. Claus Michelsen, DIW Berlin
Prof. Torsten Schmidt, RWI Essen
Harald Schultz


Media Center – 24 March 2021

How do economic forecasts come about? How has the coronavirus pandemic affected business cycle research at ifo? And what tools has the ifo Institute developed to respond to the new challenges posed by the pandemic?

Media Center – 4 August 2023

Germany's inflation peaked in October 2022, surpassing 10% for the first time in decades. In our podcast, we discuss the credibility of central banks, effective measures to protect citizens from inflation, and the long-term consequences of rising prices. Our guest is Timo Wollmershäuser, ifo's expert in monetary policy.

Media Center – 3 August 2022

With its business surveys, the ifo Institute asks thousands of companies every month about various aspects relevant to the business cycle. What questions are asked and why is the indicator so important for business cycle research?

Media Center – 15 February 2019
ifo Center for Macroeconomics and Surveys
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
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