Conference Series

With its events, the ifo Institute brings together scientists, decision-makers and opinion leaders and shapes the economic policy and scientific debate.

Publikum auf einer Veranstaltung mit Redner
Logo Munich Economic Debates

In our Munich Economic Debates lecture series, the ifo Institute invites thought leaders from the worlds of academia and business to share with us their thoughts and concepts on current economic policy ideas and challenges.

Jahresversammlung des ifo Instiuts in der Großen Aula der LMU

The public session of the ifo Annual Meeting is dedicated to a current economic policy topic and brings together science, business and politics.

Logo des ifo Branchen-Dialog

The ifo Industry Colloquium is a platform for current topics from an industry-specific perspective. In its four sector forums – Industry, Trade, Construction, and the Service Sector – experts from companies, associations, politics, and research discuss current industry developments, trends, and challenges.

Infografik, Bühnenbild, Neubau Rathaus Fürth

In our series of events "Economy for All", the Ifo Institute and the Ludwig Erhard Zentrum (LEZ) invite interested citizens to attend. In short lectures, representatives from science, business, politics and the media explain about current economic topics, shed light on the background and engage in an exchange with the audience. The event takes place every second month in Fürth and is open to the general public.

Closeup Kaffeetassen Lunchtime Seminar ifo Institut München

The weekly lunchtime seminars are  of great help in promoting the exchange of new research ideas. They serve as a forum for the discussion of current research and research findings as well as new developments in economics.

Closeup Kaffeetassen Lunchtime Seminar ifo Institut München

The Ludwig Erhard ifo Research Seminars are half-day workshops. They serve as a platform for the discussion of current research findings and new developments in economics. Speakers and attendees are guest researchers and researchers from ifo, FAU as well as external academics.

Solarpanele mit Umspannwerk

SEEM offers a scientific forum for discussing theoretical and empirical research on topical issues in the fields of energy, environmental and climate economics.

Übergabe eines deutschen Reisepass mit ifo CEMIR-Logo

Participants include researchers and guest researchers from the ifo Institute, the Center for Economic Studies and the LMU Munich.

Veranstaltungsraum der Dresdner Vorträge für Wirtschaftsforschung

In the series Dresdner Vorträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik, prominent economists present their latest research findings in economics and finance.

Closeup Kaffeetassen Lunchtime Seminar ifo Dresden

In the midday seminar staff members of the TU Dresden, the ifo Institute as well as external academics present and discuss their current research results. 

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications