EBDC Data Set –
ifo GAME – the Geological and Meteorological Events Database

GAME-LIGHTS – the gridded Meteorological Events and Night Light Emission Database

DOI: 10.7805/Game-Lights-2021

The GAME-LIGHTS dataset offers meteorological events for 1992 to 2013 at a 0.5° x 0.5° grid cell level worldwide. The data include storms, extreme temperature events, torrential rain, and droughts on an annual basis.

The GAME-LIGHTS database is a grid cell-level database covering a rich collection of variables for all counties worldwide from 1992 to 2013. The dataset collects information on meteorological events from primary information and translates them into weather anomalies on a 0.5° x 0.5° cell-level basis. GAME-LIGHTS covers storms, extreme temperature events, torrential rain and droughts on a yearly basis. It also adds information on night-time light emissions data and population data on the grid cell level.

The data provide a unique dataset for economic analysis as it contains variation which is presumably exogenous to economic outcomes. The service of GAME-LIGHTS is to provide the data in a structured way.