Event – ifo Branchen-Dialog (ifo Industry Colloquium)

ifo Industry Colloquium 2015

28 October 2015 09:15 - 17:00

IHK Academy Munich, Orleansstraße 10–12, 81669 Munich

The ifo Industry Dialogue is a platform for discussing current developments from a sector-specific perspective. Experts from companies, associations, politics and research discuss current industry developments, trends and challenges in the four industry forums Industry, Trade, Construction and Services. The conference, which the ifo Institute regularly organizes in cooperation with the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria, is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Energy and Technology.

After the welcoming address by the President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria, Eberhard Sasse, Hans-Werner Sinn, President of the ifo Institute, gave a presentation on "The economic situation in Germany and the world". The lecture was followed by the four industry forums. At the end of the event Oliver Falck, Director of the ifo Centre for Industrial Economics and New Technologies, discussed the question of "Innovation and technological change in a digitalised world".


9:15 a.m. Welcome Remarks

Dr. Eberhard Sasse
President of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria
9:30 a.m. The economic situation in Germany and Europe

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Hans-Werner Sinn
President of the ifo Institute
11:00 a.m. Coffee break
11:30 a.m. Forum 1 Industry

Forum 2 Trade
1:00 p.m. Lunch
2:00 p.m. Forum 3 Construction

Forum 4 Service Sector
3:30 p.m. Coffee break
4:00 p.m. Innovation and Technological Change in a Digitalised World

Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck
Director of the ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies
5:00 p.m. Wrap-up



Industry Forum

Facing New Challenges

Since 2010, the North American economy has been expanding strongly, while structural problems and a decline in commodity prices are curbing growth in many emerging markets. How is German industry affected by this? Information and communication technology plays a key role in ensuring a competitive industry in Germany: How does the use of modern tools efficiently enable innovation in the capital goods industry? Everyone is talking about Industry 4.0. What potential do the various technologies have?

Moderation and Intraduction Dr. Hans-Günther Vieweg, ifo Institut
Expert contributions Bernhard Diegner, Abteilungsleiter; Forschung, Berufsbildung, Fertigungstechnik im Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie e.V. (ZVEI)
Michael Ebnet, ifo Institut
Claus Oetter, Stellv. Geschäftsführer; Fachverband Software im Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau (VDMA)

Trade Forum

Trade on all Channels

The retail trade is enjoying a brisk sales trend this year. Cross-channel offers are on the rise. Retail shops can make a significant contribution to maintaining the vitality of the locations. Especially shops of medium-sized companies contribute to the specific character of the local centres. The further development of the department stores remains exciting. Can shopping centres or flagship stores fulfil functions that are attributed to department stores? Stationary trade has a future if it can reflect on its specific strengths and combine digital channels with stationary business.

Moderator Wolfgang Fischer, CityPartnerMünchen e.V.
Introduction Arno Städtler und Gülsüm Orhan, ifo Institut
Expert contributions Nils Busch-Petersen, Hauptgeschäftsführer, Handelsverband Berlin-Brandenburg e.V.
Dr. Eva Stüber, Leiterin Research und Consulting, IFH Institut für Handelsforschung GmbH

Construction Forum

The new apartment building is running out of air

After strong growth last year, construction demand will increase again in 2015. However, the impetus should only come from residential construction. Due to the reluctance of companies, commercial construction investments will develop negatively. In addition, after the strong previous year, public construction is taking a “breather” in 2015. The state investment programs are likely to take effect only slowly, and the influx of refugees is likely to put a strain on municipal budgets. In view of the recently "weakening" approval activity, new residential construction could reach its peak faster than expected. It will be important to maintain the very high level of existing measures.


Moderator Robert Scholl, Ministerialdirektor a.D., BMVBS, Berlin
Moderator Ludwig Dorffmeister, ifo Institut
Expert contributions Klaus Freiberg, Mitglied des Vorstands, Deutsche Annington Immobilien SE
Matthias Waltersbacher, Referatsleiter, BBSR

Service Sector Forum

Services as a growth engine

The service sector is the largest sector of the economy and makes an above-average contribution to growth. Will the digital revolution change that? In addition to the analysis of the current economic situation and the economic outlook for the most important service sectors, this question is at the center of this forum. The positive sales trend in company-related service sectors continues. How is digitization revolutionizing our lives and selected service sectors?

Moderator Dr. Robert Obermeier, Leiter der Abteilung Volkswirtschaft, IHK für München und Oberbayern
Introduction Dr. Gernot Nerb und Przemyslaw Wojciechowski, ifo Institut
Expert contributions Robert Rendl, Digitalisierungsexperte, P3 Group
Emil Ebert, Leiter des Paketzentrums der Deutschen Post AG Feucht/Nürnberg
Rafael Reyeros-Bienert, Geschäftsführender Gesellschafter, R&R/COM

Conference Report

Article in Journal
Michael Ebnet, Hans-Dieter Karl, Hans-Günther Vieweg, Gülsüm Orhan, Ludwig Dorffmeister, Matijas Kocijan, Gernot Nerb, Przemyslaw Wojciechowski, Oliver Falck
ifo Institut, München, 2015
ifo Schnelldienst, 2015, 68, Nr. 23, 32-66





Die wirtschaftliche Lage in Deutschland und der Welt


Innovation und technologischer Wandel in einer digitalisierten Welt

Annette Marquardt

Annette Marquardt

Public Relations Officer
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