Press release -

Materials Bottleneck in German Construction Eases Slightly

The shortage of materials in Germany’s construction industry has eased slightly, according to surveys by the ifo Institute. In July, 48.8 percent of companies in the building construction sector reported that their businesses had suffered from delayed deliveries of intermediate products. In June, the figure was 50.4 percent. In civil engineering, 33.9 percent of companies were affected, down from 40.5 percent in the previous month. “These bottlenecks push up costs, which puts pressure on building construction companies in particular. One of these companies in every two is planning to increase construction prices in the coming months,” says ifo researcher Felix Leiss. While there are also plans for price increases in civil engineering, these are far less numerous.

The shortage of materials in Germany’s construction industry has eased slightly, according to surveys by the ifo Institute. In July, 48.8 percent of companies in the building construction sector reported that their businesses had suffered from delayed deliveries of intermediate products. In June, the figure was 50.4 percent. In civil engineering, 33.9 percent of companies were affected, down from 40.5 percent in the previous month. “These bottlenecks push up costs, which puts pressure on building construction companies in particular. One of these companies in every two is planning to increase construction prices in the coming months,” says ifo researcher Felix Leiss. While there are also plans for price increases in civil engineering, these are far less numerous.


ifo Institute: Materials Bottleneck in German Construction Eases Slightly
CV Foto von Felix Leiss

Felix Leiss

Harald Schultz

Harald Schultz

Press Officer