
Innovations for a Sustainable Land and Energy Management on the Regional Level (INOLA)

Client: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project period: November 2014 - October 2019
Research Areas:
Project team: Dr. Markus Zimmer, Prof. Dr. Karen Pittel, Marie-Theres von Schickfus, Ana Maria Montoya Gómez, Jana Lippelt, Prof. Dr. Claudia Binder (LMU), Prof. Dr. Wolfram Mauser (LMU), Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Mayer (Hochschule Kempten)


The objective of the INOLA project is the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary development of system solutions for sustainable land use and energy management of the model region “Energiewende Oberland” (“Oberland Energy Transition”). The Energiewende Oberland region covers three administrative districts south of Munich. The central question of the project is which social and technical innovations are necessary in order to establish sustainable regional land use jointly with an adequate energy system. The cooperation between municipalities and districts, as well as the reflexive design of the innovation process, are crucial in achieving these objectives. The primary contribution of the project is an innovation concept providing the region with the necessary process knowledge to successfully shape the transition towards a sustainable land use and energy system.

The ifo Institute’s task within INOLA is to determine the economic impacts of different scenarios for the regional energy and land use systems. An input-output model is used for the identification of the effects on value added, employment and sectoral output at the regional level, and to determine innovation strategies. The results from the ifo Institute’s analysis will be used in the decision-making process at a local and regional level: INOLA will provide necessary insights and tools to the civil society actors and decision-makers, enabling them to assess the economic sustainability of different land use and energy management options and thus accelerate the joint development of innovation strategies.


Input-output analysis, Econometrics, Investment appraisal.

Coverage in German Media

Erster Schritt zur Unabhängigkeit
Presseecho, Tölzer Kurier, 02.05.2016. 

Nur konsequent: Energiewende bis 2035
Presseecho, Miesbacher Impuls, 11. Ausgabe, April 2016.

Energie fehlt die Zugkraft
Presseecho, Miesbacher Merkur, 08.03.2016.