
Implications of Climate Change and Climate-Induced Disasters for Individuals, Firms and the Insurance Sector (CLIMATE_AFFECT)

Client: Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Project period: November 2018 – September 2022
Research Areas:
Project team: Dr. Robert Lehmann


The Earth is experiencing rapid global warming. Humans are one of the main forces of this process, because they burn fossil fuels,. Most scientific studies conclude that living conditions on Earth will be hugely transformed due to global warming. Despite accumulating knowledge about climate change and its potentially bad consequenc-es, we are not able to stop or at least substantially slow down global warming. How can this complacency be rationalized?

The project CLIMATE_AFFECT investigates the attitudes of individuals worldwide regarding climate change as well as their knowledge about climatic processes. More-over, direct and indirect adaptation strategies for climate change will be analyzed. Thereby, migration will be a main issue. Another topic to be addressed is the impact of climate change on companies and how insurances can help mitigate the adverse effects of climate change. The project’s findings can be used to inform policymakers and implement useful climate change policies.

Detailed information on CLIMATE_AFFECT can be found at:


Article in Journal
Michael Berlemann, Robert Lehmann
ifo Institut, München, 2020
ifo Schnelldienst, 2020, 73, Nr. 08, 45-55
CV Foto, Robert Lehmann, ifo Institut

Dr. Robert Lehmann
