
Examination of Companies for their Importance for Bavaria as a Business Location

Client: Bayerische Finanzagentur GmbH
Project period: August 2020 – December 2021
Research Areas:
Project team: Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck, Nicolas Bunde, Dr. Nina Czernich, Anita Wölfl


The BayernFonds was created to mitigate the economic impact of the Corona pandemic on companies of the real economy whose collapse would have significant impact on the economy, the technological or economic sovereignty, security of supply, critical infrastructures or the labor market in Bavaria. The ifo Institute advises the BayernFonds by examining the companies applying for the fund to determine their importance for Bavaria as a business location.


The company data is compared with external comparative data.

Data and Other Sources

Data sources are i.a. the Federal Statistical Office and the State Statistical Office, the Federal Employment Agency, the PATSTAT patent database and the science statistics of the Stifterverband.

Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck

Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck

Director of the ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies