
People With a Migration Background and Refugees in Bavaria and Their Importance for the Bavarian Labor Market

Client: Grüne Landtagsfraktion
Project period: July 2022 - November 2022
Research Areas:
Project team: Prof. Panu Poutvaara Ph.D., Dr. Yvonne Giesing , Joop Adema, Clara Albrecht, Dr. Tetyana Panchenko


  • Effects of Demographic Change on the Bavarian Labor Market
  • Overview of the foreign population and population with a migration background in Bavaria
  • What role do immigrants play in the Bavarian economy?
  • Policy recommendations for a better integration policy


Data analysis

Data and other sources

Federal Statistical Office, Bavarian State Office for Statistics and Statistics of the Federal Employment Agency.


  • Immigration is essential for economic growth in Bavaria.
  • Bavaria is highly affected by a shortage of skilled workers.
  • Number of employees with foreign passports subject to social security contributions has more than doubled within 10 years, employment rate of foreigners almost at the level of the German population.
  • Foreigners are disproportionately often employed in jobs that require little qualification ("helper tasks").
  • High potential for Bavarian labor market through training and qualification measures for foreigners.
  • Recommendations:  Easing the residence obligation and residence requirement for refugees, simplified employment toleration, reform of the "Königsteiner Schlüssel", acceleration of the recognition process, improved support services for refugees and companies.
Monograph (Authorship)
Joop Adema, Clara Albrecht, Yvonne Giesing, Tetyana Panchenko, Panu Poutvaara
ifo Institut, München, 2022
ifo Forschungsberichte / 136
Prof. Panu Poutvaara Ph.D.

Prof. Panu Poutvaara Ph.D.

Director of the ifo Center for International Institutional Comparisons and Migration Research