
How to Integrate Ukrainian Refugees in the Social Market Economy?

Client: internal
Project period: January 2023 - December 2025
Research Areas:
Project team: Prof. Dr. Sarah Necker, Prof. Panu Poutvaara Ph.D., Dr. Yvonne Giesing, Dr. Nina Weber, Lasha Chargaziia


The war in Ukraine has led to the largest refugee movement within Europe since World War II. More than one million Ukrainian refugees have been registered in Germany by June 2023. Their return plans are important for both Ukraine, which needs workers of all skills to rebuild the country after the war, and to host countries. This project studies the economic and social integration of Ukrainian refugees in Germany, how this is affected by return expectations as well as integration policies and how return migration can build bridges between the German and the Ukrainian economies. The project is going to create a large-scale panel of Ukrainian refugees in Germany that collects information about integration and return migration expectations, and links those with investments in German skills and education.


Own panel survey.

Dr. Yvonne Giesing

Dr. Yvonne Giesing
