Article in Journal

The future of energy supply: nuclear phase-out, security of supply and climate change

ifo Institut, München, 2012

ifo Schnelldienst, 2012, 65, Nr. 12, 06-07

The energy supply forms the basis of our prosperity. Unlimited use of sources of energy to date, whether to generate electricity and warmth or for transport, however, contributes considerably to climate change. The decision to phase-out German nuclear power plants by 2022 and to generate electricity mainly using renewable energy sources presents huge challenges to technology and business. This involves striking a balance between competiveness and climate protection, and achieving highly reliable energy provision without a disproportionate increase in energy prices. On 24 and 25 January 2012 the Ifo Institute together with the Ecology Commission of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences jointly organised a roundtable discussion entitled: "The future of energy supply: nuclear phase-out, security of supply and climate change". The event highlighted the problems of future energy supply from a number of different perspectives. Several of the economically oriented contributions have been published in the ifo Schnelldienst in a shortened form. The proceedings will be published by the Bavarian Academy of Sciences in mid-August.

JEL Classification: Q400,Q420,Q510

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2012