Monograph (Editorship)

Expert Contribution to the 8th Report on Family Affairs: “Time for responsibility in the family”

Fabienne Becker-Stoll, Hans-Peter Klös, Helmut Rainer, Gregor Thüsing
ifo Institut, München, 2012

The eighth family report is devoted to the topic of “Time for responsibility in the family”. Time is a central factor in the successful and smooth running of a family. Family members are involved in a diverse range of social time systems that are sometimes conflicting and which influence family life. This expert report completes the 8th report on family affairs. It offers insights into deeper analysis of the current situation in the various areas of family policy in Germany, which are covered by the report, but only on an excerpt basis. The expert report is divided into five sections that each focus on expertise in a specific area. Section 1 covers studies that deal generally with the importance of time in society and the family. Section 2 looks at the institutional framework conditions in Germany related to the issue of time for the family. The third section focuses on time for responsibility in the family and examines the question of whether couples and parents have enough time to lead a responsible family life. Section 4 brings together expert opinions on the topic of time for nursing care and Section 5 features expertise on measures taken by companies to promote the compatibility of family and work. Section 5 ends with examples of best practice and presents family-oriented organization and human resources policy from a corporate perspective.

JEL Classification: J120, J200