Monograph (Authorship)


Helmut Rainer, Stefan Bauernschuster, Wolfgang Auer, Natalia Danzer, Mine Hancioglu, Bastian Hartmann, Timo Hener, Christian Holzner, Notburga Ott, Janina Reinkowski, Martin Werding
ifo Institut, München, 2013

ifo Forschungsberichte / 59

As part of an overall evaluation of key marriage and family-related policies conducted on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youths (BMFSFJ) and the Ministry for Finance (BMF), the study examines the effects of publicly-subsidised child care on families. The study conducts an ex-post analysis of publicly-subsidised child care on the following outcomes: female labor force participation, families´ financial stability and social involvement and birth rates. The analyses investigate the effects for families with under-3 year-old children, with 3-6 year-old children and with over 6 year-old children separately. In further efficiency analyses the study examines the self-financing rates of the expansion of public child care.

JEL Classification: J120, J130, J180, J200, J220