Article in Journal

Does Their Subject of Study Influence the Political Leanings of Students?

Kristin Fischer, Björn Kauder, Niklas Potrafke
ifo Institut, München, 2016

ifo Schnelldienst, 2016, 69, Nr. 15, 17-24

Does their subject of study influence the political attitudes of students? To decouple self-selection effects from learning effects, initial analyses focus on whether the subjects chosen by first-year students correlate with their political leanings. In a second step the authors analyse how students' political attitudes change over the course of their studies. The results, which are based on a survey of German students with a sample size that far exceeds that of comparable student surveys, reveals systematic differences in the political leanings of students in eight different subjects. These differences can be ascribed to self-selection in most cases. Economic sciences are an exception to this rule. Even if self-selection plays an important role, academic training in economic sciences has a clear influence over political opinions. By the time that they complete their studies, economics students are 6.2 percent more likely to agree with a liberal policy position than when they begin their higher education.

JEL Classification: I210, D720

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2016