Article in Journal

Is the End Nigh for Internships?

Anita Jacob-Puchalska
ifo Institut, München, 2016

ifo Schnelldienst, 2016, 69, Nr. 11, 51-54

Has the introduction of the legal minimum wage on 1 January 2015 impacted the offering of internships? Are a growing number of internships being offered that are exempt from the minimum wage? These issues were covered by a special question in the latest Randstad-Ifo Personnel Manager Survey. The survey results show that the number of internships offered fell sharply in 2015. Almost one in two companies that previously offered voluntary and/or compulsory internships, stopped offering internships as of 2015. This would seem to suggest that it has become harder to find an internship since the introduction of the legal minimum wage.

JEL Classification: J210, J240, M510

Included in

Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2016