Monograph (Authorship)

Consequenses of a potential ban of new cars and light trucks with combustion engines

Oliver Falck, Michael Ebnet, Johannes Koenen, Julian Dieler, Johann Wackerbauer
ifo Institut, München, 2017

ifo Forschungsberichte / 87

We use empirical methods to analyze the effects of contemplated legislation banning permits for new cars and light trucks with internal combustion engines starting in 2030. The study has three distinct parts: In Chapter 2, we quantify the potential detrimental effects and risks of such a ban for the productivity and employment in the German industry. Chapter 3 focusses on the German automotive industry’s incentives to innovate in the areas of combustion engines as well as alternative propulsion systems. Chapter 4 analyzes the effects of a ban on the environment, in particular CO2 emissions.