Article in Journal

ifo Migration Monitor: Integrating Refugees– Language Acquisition Emerges as Key Factor

Carla Rhode, Tanja Stitteneder
ifo Institut, München, 2018

ifo Schnelldienst, 2018, 71, Nr. 12, 88-92

Language acquisition is central to the integration of immigrants. Language training improves labour market access, participation in the education system and social interaction, which is this essential for immigrants, the state and society. In view of the special role played by language acquisition, integration courses are essential. In addition, the importance of literacy is also growing since forced migration is leading to a rising share of persons who do not understand the Latin alphabet. This article offers an overview of integration courses in Germany and participation levels. The article rounds off by analysing the current debate over eligibility, course contents and support for integration in general.

JEL Classification: O150, J240, J610

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2018