Article in Journal

Quo vadis Brexitannia?

Martin Braml, Gabriel Felbermayr
ifo Institut, München, 2019

ifo Schnelldienst, 2019, 72, Nr. 02, 32-39

On 15 January 2019, the House of Commons rejected the Brexit agreement between the UK and the EU. The British MEPs' no is understandable. The deal would have downgraded the UK to the status of a trading colony without trade autonomy. Its territorial integrity would also have been called into question. The paper discusses the available alternatives with regard to their political-economic consequences and their implications for the future of Europe. An upgraded customs union combined with additional bilateral treaties of the Swiss model type could be a viable solution. However, the UK also needs to accept economic realities and address the major trade challenges together with the EU, rather than separately. The EU, on the other hand, should break with its political dogma of the four freedoms and offer more flexible integration options that exclude, for example, the free movement of persons.

JEL Classification: D720

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2019