Article in Journal

ifo Migration Monitor: Deforestation and Migration

Britta Rude, Bennet Niederhöfer, Fabio Ferrara
ifo Institute, Munich, 2020

ifo Schnelldienst, 2020, 73, Nr. 09, 66-74

Looking at the connection between migration and deforestation, it becomes clear that migration can be both a consequence and a cause of deforestation. It is recommended to use forests more productively and to internalize their externalities, such as CO2 generation or ecological values.

Keywords: Entwaldung, Waldressourcen, Migration, Klimawandel, Internationale Klimapolitik, Wirkungsanalyse
JEL Classification: Q230, F220

Included in

Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institute, Munich, 2020