Article in Journal

Saxony Could Receive 2.5 Billion Euros in the New EU Funding Period

David Bauer
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2020

ifo Dresden berichtet, 2020, 27, Nr. 5, 13-16

With almost 2,5 billion euros in future, the Free State of Saxony could receive nearly 270 million euros less from the European Regional Development Fund and the European Social Fund than in the previous funding period. This is due to the new rules for the distribution of EU funds. Firstly, these new rules allocate funds from the more developed regions to the remaining transition regions. Secondly, the transition regions will be defined differently than before. In particular, the regions Chemnitz and Dresden will benefit from this. However, the extent to which this funding can actually be realized depends on political negotiation skills.

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2020