Article in Journal

A Tale of Two Crises: Climate Policy and Distributional Effects in the Coronavirus Recovery Package

Alex Schmitt Karen Pittel
ifo Institut, München, 2020

ifo Schnelldienst, 2020, 73, Nr. 07, 24-29

The economic stimulus package, which was put forward at the beginning of June, also takes climate and energy policy aspects into account: on the positive side, for example, the increasing decarbonization, which requires both increased sector coupling and new technologies, has been accounted for by providing funds for a hydrogen strategy. However, the approach remains at a sector- and technology-specific level. It also makes sense to avoid an increase in the EEG surcharge through the use of budget funds from the distribution and relief elements; however, it should be clearly stated whether and to what extent a permanent reduction of the EEG surcharge beyond 2022 is intended.

Keywords: Klimapolitik, Konjunkturpolitik, Epidemie, Deutschland
JEL Classification: Q580