Article in Journal

The Thuringia Paradox: Thuringia May Indeed Face a “Second Turning Point” – but Contrary to What Some People Hope for

Tim André, Michael Behr, Udo Philippus, Alexander Reuß
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2020

ifo Dresden berichtet, 2020, 27, Nr. 1, 17-24

In Thuringia, as in the other eastern German states, large parts of the generation that has contributed significantly to the positive economic development since reunification will retire in the coming years. In view of the sharp decline in the labor force potential, Thuringia is far more dependent on an influx of workers from abroad than many other regions in Germany. While more and more foreign workers have been integrated into the labor market in recent years, election and survey results show that parts of the population are very reserved towards the influx of people from abroad. However, if in the end it is not intercultural openness, friendliness towards initially foreign people, and the ability to integrate as the new brand core in Thuringia that prevails, but instead exclusion and resentment, the rural area in particular could end up in a downward spiral – from which, paradoxically, those forces that are currently becoming a considerable future risk in Thuringia could profit most.

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, Dresden, 2020