Monograph (Authorship)

How Political, Spatial, and Administrative Changes Shape the Local Level – Evidence from Municipalities

Luisa Dörr
ifo Institut, München, 2022

ifo Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsforschung / 98

In three distinct empirical essays, this thesis investigates various aspects of regional development using data from Germany and Austria. Chapter 2 investigates how far-right populist mayors influence local political culture and economic outcomes. Chapter 3 examines how highway access affects commuting and employment in connected municipalities. Chapter 4 investigates the consequences of municipal mergers on fiscal equalization transfers. The chapters employ regression discontinuity, difference-in-differences, and event study estimations to answer the respective research questions.

Keywords: Local government, municipalities, populism, far-right politics, partisan politics, polarization, immigration, economic policy, budget transparency, highway, infrastructure, accessibility, commuting, employment, municipal mergers, fiscal equalization, expenditures
JEL Classification: D720, P160, H720, Z180, H540, O180, H110, H770, R530