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14 hits:
Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 5 June 2024

The business climate for the solo self-employed and microenterprises in Germany improved in May. The “Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed” rose to -11.8 points*, up from -13.8 points* in April. Business fared better, with only a few self-employed expressing dissatisfaction with their current situation. Expectations also brightened up somewhat, although they were still marked by skepticism. “The self-employed are increasingly hoping that the worst of the economic downturn is behind them,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber.

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 16 May 2024

The business climate for solo self-employed and microenterprises in Germany improved somewhat in April. The “Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed” rose to -13.8 points*, up from -15.6 points* in March. Dissatisfaction with current business has decreased slightly, as has skepticism regarding expectations for the next six months. The signal coming from service providers is particularly positive. Here, order backlogs are slowly stabilizing. “The self-employed are hoping that the order situation will ease,” ifo Expert Katrin Demmelhuber says.

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 17 April 2024

Uncertainty among the self-employed in Germany has increased. As a result, the business climate for this segment has deteriorated, according to the latest ifo survey in March (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). The index fell to -15.6 points*, down from -14.6 points* in February. “Contrary to the situation in the other sectors of the economy, the self-employed are experiencing increasing doubt,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber.

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 11 March 2024

Sentiment among the self-employed in Germany has improved. The Business Climate Index rose to -14.6 points* in February, up from -22.6 points* in January. This is a finding from the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). The rise was due to less pessimistic expectations. However, the self-employed are particularly dissatisfied with their order backlog, which continues to shrink. “This segment is still far from optimistic,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber.

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 19 February 2024

Many of Germany’s self-employed reported that their order intake in January was too low. The proportion of those with this complaint increased to 47.9% at the start of the year, up from 45.3% in October. This is a finding from the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). “The order books of the self-employed are plainly melting away,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber, “and the resulting decline in sales is a cause for concern.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 8 January 2024

The business climate for the self-employed in Germany improved slightly at the end of the year, finds the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). The index rose to -17.5 points* in December, up from -18.8 points* in November. “It’s too early to talk of a trend reversal,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “The self-employed are currently a long way from an economic recovery.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 15 December 2023

The business climate for Germany’s self-employed has deteriorated, finds the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). The index fell to -18.8 points* in November, down from -16.2 points* in October. “In contrast to the economy as a whole, there’s still no light at the end of the tunnel for Germany’s self-employed,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “We don’t see any sign of a recovery on the horizon.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 3 November 2023

The business climate for Germany’s self-employed has deteriorated, finds the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). The index fell to -16.2 points* in October, down from -14.4 points* in September. “In September, it seemed as though things were looking up for the self-employed. October failed to bear this out,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “The situation for the self-employed remains tense.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 12 October 2023

The business climate for Germany’s self-employed has brightened considerably, finds the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). In September, the index rose to -14.4 points*, up from -19.9 points* in August. “The country’s self-employed appear to be recovering from their economic low point,” explains ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “Whether this improvement will last will become clear over the next few months.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 18 September 2023

The business climate for Germany’s self-employed has deteriorated for the fifth time in a row, finds the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). The index fell to -19.9 points in August, down from -16.4 points in July. “The situation in the German economy is tense,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “For the self-employed, the risk of entering a downward spiral is increasing.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 14 August 2023

The business climate for Germany’s self-employed has deteriorated for the fourth time in a row, finds the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). The index fell to -16.4 points* in July, down from -12.6 points in June. “Germany’s economy is going through a weak phase,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “The country’s self-employed cannot escape this.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 11 July 2023

The business climate for Germany’s self-employed has deteriorated, finds the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). The index fell to -12.6 points* in June, down from -8.6 points* in May. “There’s a kind of domino effect at work here,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “Since many large companies are short of orders, they’re also placing fewer orders with the self-employed.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 7 June 2023

The business climate for Germany’s self-employed has deteriorated. This is a finding by the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). The index fell from -3.2 points in April to -8.6 points in May. “The business community’s worry lines are deepening,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “Not enough new orders are coming in at present.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 9 May 2023

The business climate for Germany’s self-employed has deteriorated. The “Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed” fell to -3.2 points (not seasonally adjusted) in April, down from +1.8 points (not seasonally adjusted) in March. “In contrast to the economy as a whole, the recovery made in the previous month quickly disappeared again,” says ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “Developments for the self-employed and microenterprises currently lack momentum.”

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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