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Press release — 22 January 2019

Le 24 janvier, l'Institut ifo fêtera ses 70 ans. « Nous le célébrerons en été, comme c'est le cas pour l'anniversaire de la Reine d'Angleterre, plus précisément lors de notre assemblée générale annuelle le 6 juin» a déclaré Clemens Fuest, le président de l'ifo. Aujourd'hui, l'Institut ifo œuvre pour une recherche d'excellence au rayonnement international, pour un soutien prospère de la génération scientifique montante et joue un rôle central dans les débats publics ainsi que dans le conseil politique national et européen. « Nous souhaitons continuer de développer ce positionnement dans les années à venir » a déclaré M. Fuest.

Press release — 21 January 2019

The Munich-based ifo Institute turns 70 on 24 January 2019. "We plan to celebrate this event, but as with the British Queen's birthday, we will delay celebrations until our Annual Meeting this summer on 6 June," explains ifo President Clemens Fuest. Today, the ifo Institute stands for outstanding, internationally renowned research, the successful promotion of junior economists and it plays a central role in public debates and in national and European policy advice. "We intend to build on this position in the years ahead," notes Fuest.

Press release — 15 January 2019

The ifo Institute has called on the EU to offer Britain a solution modelled on Switzerland. "In view of the deadlocked situation, new approaches are needed," notes Gabriel Felbermayr, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics.

Press release — 15 January 2019

The German economy cooled down significantly in 2018. Economic output rose by 1.5 percent in price-adjusted terms, after a rise of 2.2 percent in the boom year of 2017. It stagnated in the second half of 2018 compared with the first six months.

Press release — 15 January 2019

The ifo President Clemens Fuest has warned against a hard Brexit and called on both sides to resume negotiations. "A hard Brexit with its huge costs must be avoided. Both parties should now return to the negotiating table and modify the agreement so that it is acceptable to all sides. Anything else would be an unacceptable policy failure," said Fuest. Ifo trade expert Gabriel Felbermayr understands the rejection of the Brexit deal by the House of Commons. "British MPs' rejection of the separation agreement is perfectly understandable because it would downgrade Britain to the status of a trade colony. It would not stand to gain trade autonomy and its territorial integrity would be called into question," notes Felbermayr.

Press release — 10 January 2019

China‘s counter-tariffs eliminate the economic advantage of the US in the trade conflict, according to a recent analysis by the ifo Institute. “So far, the trade spat between the USA and China has mostly damaged Chinese economic interests. But the Chinese retaliatory tariffs on US products turn the US advantage into a loss”, says Gabriel Felbermayr, Director of the ifo Center for International Economics. “In current prices, the static economic effects of the existing American tariffs reduce Chinese GDP by about 9.3 billion euros, while the US register an economic benefit of about 3.5 billion euros, mostly because of higher tariff revenue. However, Chinese retaliation turns the American gain into a loss of about 2.6 billion euros. In contrast, Chinese retaliation lowers the country’s loss to 5.7 billion euros. Nonetheless, Chinese GDP still shrinks about twice as much as American GDP.”

Press release — 9 January 2019

German manufacturers see a 43 percent probability of a hard Brexit on average, according to an ifo Institute's survey of around 1,300 manufacturers conducted in December 2018.

Press release — 8 January 2019

Une faible lueur d’espoir pointe à l’horizon noir de l’industrie allemande. Selon les indications de l’Institut ifo, les entreprises du secteur prévoient une légère hausse de leur production au cours des trois prochains mois. L’indice des attentes en matière de production a progressé en effet de – 5,3 à + 2,3 points, atteignant pour la première fois une valeur positive depuis mai 2019 : les entreprises tablent donc sur une augmentation de leurs volumes de fabrication.

Press release — 8 January 2019

The euro area’s economy will grow by 0.4 percent respectively in Q3 and Q4 2018 and Q1 2019, according to the three economics institutes ifo (Munich), ISAT (Rome) and KOF (Zurich).

Press release — 7 January 2019

Prof. Marcel Thum, Geschäftsführer der ifo Niederlassung in Dresden, ist neuer Vorsitzender des Wissenschaftlichen Beirats beim Bundesministerium der Finanzen. Thum lehrt an der TU Dresden Volkswirtschaft, insbesondere Finanzwissenschaft und war bislang stellvertretender Vorsitzender des Beirats.

Press release — 7 January 2019

Germany's Remuneration Transparency Act has hardly had any impact to date, according to a survey of German personnel managers conducted by the ifo Institute on behalf of Randstad Germany. This is due to the fact that only a few employees have made use of their new right to information.

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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