
The Opportunity Monitor by ifo and “A Heart for Children”

Client: BILD hilft e.V. „Ein Herz für Kinder“
Project period: September 2022 - May 2024
Research Areas:
Project team: Prof. Dr. Ludger Wößmann, Florian Schoner, Vera Freundl, Franziska Pfaehler

Tasks and aims of the project

To what extent do the educational opportunities of children in Germany depend on their family background? This project, which the ifo Center for the Economics of Education conducts on behalf of the charity “A Heart for Children”, aims to document the extent of equality of educational opportunity in Germany. To this end, the Opportunity Monitor measures to what extent the probability that a child attends an academic-track school depends on various dimensions of socioeconomic background.


The results of the Opportunity Monitor show a strong inequality of educational opportunities in Germany: For example, the probability of attending an academic-track school is 21.5% for a child growing up with a single parent without a university entrance qualification who is in the lowest income quartile and has a migration background. By contrast, it is 80.3% for a child growing up with two parents with a university entrance qualification who are in the highest income quartile and do not have a migration background. The educational background of the parents, but also income and single-parent status are especially relevant for the probability of attending an academic-track school. By contrast, the migration background has less of an effect after taking the other characteristics into account.

Infographic, Table, The opportunity monitor by ifo and a heart for children
Infographic, Table, The opportunity monitor by ifo and a heart for children

Data and other Sources

The data basis of the Opportunity Monitor is the current survey wave (2019) of the German Microcensus. It provides information on school track attendance and family background for a sample of more than 50,000 children and adolescents aged 10 to 18 years.

Media Coverage

Forscher fordern mehr Bildungsgerechtigkeit,, 28. April 2023

Tagesthemen, 18. April 2023 (starting minute 22:40)

Bildungschancen: "Ungerecht verteilt", ZDF Morgenmagazin, 19. Apil 2023

Chancenmonitor 2023: Herkunft entscheidet über Entwicklungs-Chancen,, 19. April 2023

Wann Kinder kaum eine Chance haben,, 18. April 2023

Mit gezielter Förderung ins Gymnasium, FAZ online, 18. April 2023

Chancenmonitor 2023: So ungerecht ist Deutschlands Bildungswesen, Tagesspiegel online, 18. April 2023

Bestürzung über Bildungsstudie: Esken fordert nationale Kraftanstrengung für die Bildung, Tagesspiegel online, 18. April 2023

Studie bestätigt Einfluss von Klasse auf Bildungschancen, Zeit online, 18. April 2023

Das desaströse Ausmaß der Chancenungleichheit im Bildungssystem, Welt online, 20. April 2023

Reiche Eltern, gute Chancen – das deutsche Bildungsdilemma in Zahlen, Handelsblatt online, 18. April 2023

Gymnasium oder nicht? Diese Faktoren entscheiden darüber,, 20. April 2023

Press Conference

The results were presented at a press conference in the presence of Federal Minister for Education Bettina Stark-Watzinger.


Article in Journal
Ludger Wößmann, Florian Schoner, Vera Freundl, Franziska Pfaehler
ifo Institut, München, 2023
ifo Schnelldienst, 2023, 76, Nr. 04, 29-47
Sonstiges Foto von Ludger Wößmann

Prof. Dr. Ludger Wößmann

Director of the ifo Center for the Economics of Education