Paper in Academic Volume

Methods of economic forecasting and business cycle-indicators

Wolfgang Nierhaus, Jan-Egbert Sturm
Elgar, Cheltenham, 2007

in: Goldrian, Georg: Handbook of survey-based business cycle analysis, 2007, S.117-142

In the summer and at the end of the year, the Ifo Institute publishes its detailed economic forecasts for Germany. In the spring and the autumn, it participates in the Joint Economic Forecast of the six German economic research institutes. - Economic forecasts are a means to assess future economic developments at the aggregate level. At the centre are statements on changes in the pace of and turning points in macroeconomic variables over the business cycle.

JEL Classification: E370,O100

Included in

Monograph (Editorship)
Georg Goldrian
Elgar, Cheltenham, 2007
Ifo Economic Policy, 2

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