Article in Journal

News from the Bazaar Economy

Rahel Aichele, Gabriel Felbermayr, Inga Heiland
ifo Institut, München, 2013

ifo Schnelldienst, 2013, 66, Nr. 06, 17-28

Data on the world’s production structure, which are taken from input-output tables, show that the foreign share of value creation that lies in German exports rose from 13.5% to 20% between 1995 and 2008. This means that the long-term trend towards Germany becoming a bazaar economy remains unbroken. Although the trend did weaken during the economic crisis of 2009, at which time foreign value creation fell to 18%, this was presumably only a temporary effect. Imports from China and Central and Eastern European countries are becoming increasingly important for German exports in manufacturing.

JEL Classification: J300, F100, F010

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2013