Article in Journal

Structural Change in the Automotive Industry – Is the Pandemic Acting as an Accelerator?

Thomas Puls, Werner Olle, Heike Proff, Oliver Falck, Nina Czernich, Johannes Koenen, Florian Herrmann, Wolfgang Beinhauer, Stefan Reindl, Alexander Wottge, Roman Zitzelsberger, Ilka Horstmeier, Ellen Enkel, Maxime Kinkel, Karsten Neuberger, Ruth Heuss, Timo Möller
ifo Institut, München, 2021

ifo Schnelldienst, 2021, 74, Nr. 05, 03-35

The automotive industry worldwide is undergoing a fundamental transformation process, a key component of which is the switch from conventional powertrains with combustion engines to electric vehicles. This structural change will also have a significant impact on the job profiles of employees. In addition, the pressure on the automotive industry to transform has increased as a result of the renewed tightening of climate targets and the coronavirus pandemic. How must digital business models and sales concepts develop so that the industry can overcome the crisis? Which mobility concept is viable for the future?

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Journal (Complete Issue)
ifo Institut, München, 2021