ifo World Economic Survey

ifo World Economic Survey was a quarterly publication in English containing the results of the ifo expert poll on the world economy.

The ifo World Economic Survey (WES) was designed to give an accurate picture of the economic situation and forecasts for important industrial, emerging and developing economies on a quarterly basis. The results were published in the journal ifo World Economic Survey.


Unlike the official statistics, which are primarily constructed around quantitative information, WES consisted of qualitative information: appraisals and expectations of economic experts. Whereas the official statistics on the international level often appear after considerable delays, the WES results were timely and internationally comparable. Especially in countries where the data base of the official statistics is insecure, the appraisals and expectations expressed by on-site economic experts in the WES survey were of particular importance.

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ifo World Economic Survey (2017-2019)
A quarterly journal on the world economic climate 
ISSN 2511-7831 (print version) 
ISSN 2511-784X (electronic version)

Formerly: CESifo World Economic Survey (until 2016)
ISSN 1613-6012 (print version) 
ISSN 2190-720X (electronic version)

Publisher and distributor: 
ifo Institute, Poschingerstr. 5, D-81679 Munich, Germany, 
phone +49(89)9224-0, fax +49(89)985369.

Reproduction permitted only if source is stated and copy is sent to the ifo Institute.