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Dr. Stephanie Dittmer und Prof. Clemens Fuest, Vorstand des ifo Instituts

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Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Clemens Fuest (President)

Dr. Stephanie Dittmer (Member of the Executive Board)


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ifo Export Expectations — 28 March 2023

Sentiment among German exporters has brightened somewhat. The ifo Export Expectations rose to 4.0 points in March, up from 3.5 points in February. “Export demand still lacks some momentum,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo. “Global economic development is rather subdued.”

ifo Business Climate Index for Germany — 24 November 2020

Sentiment among German managers has deteriorated. The ifo Business Climate Index fell from 92.5 points (seasonally adjusted) in October to 90.7 points in November. The drop was due above all to companies’ considerably more pessimistic expectations. Their assessments of the current situation were also a little worse. Business uncertainty has risen. The second wave of coronavirus has interrupted Germany’s economic recovery.

EBDC Data Set – ifo GAME – the Geological and Meteorological Events Database
ifo Export Expectations — 28 May 2024

Sentiment in the German export industry has turned brighter. The ifo Export Expectations rose from minus 1.5 in April to plus 0.3 points in May. “Positive and negative responses are in nearly perfect balance,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo. “The export economy is not yet developing any great momentum overall.”

EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Construction
Data set of ifo's micro data.
EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Construction
Data set of ifo's micro data.
ifo Export Expectations — 26 July 2023

Sentiment in the German export industry has deteriorated slightly. The ifo Export Expectations slipped to -6.0 points in July, down from -5.9 points in June. “Demand from abroad is developing rather weakly,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo. “This is also the result of restrictive monetary policy in the US and Europe, the effects of which are gradually being felt.”

EBDC Data Set – ifo Education Survey
Randstad ifo Personnel Manager Survey — 23 December 2022

In the fourth quarter of 2022, the Randstad ifo Personnel Manager Survey covered wage developments in 2023 and special payments in the form of the inflation compensation bonus. This bonus is part of the German government’s third relief package, which is intended to offer citizens relief in times of high energy prices and inflation rates. The bonus is tax-free up to an amount of EUR 3,000 until the end of 2024.  Other topics included personnel development in 2023 and the feedback culture in companies.

EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Construction
Data set of ifo's micro data.
ifo and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Economists Panel — 21 September 2021

Current forecasts for the outcome of the German federal election on September 26, 2021, indicate that there could be many different coalition options after the election. This raises the question of which coalition would likely achieve the most favorable economic development in Germany over the coming legislative period.

EBDC Data Set – ifo Innovation Survey
Data set of ifo's micro data.
ifo Employment Barometer — 26 March 2024

Companies in Germany are again looking to hire more staff. The ifo Employment Barometer rose to 96.3 points in March, up from 94.9 points in February. “Companies are currently more willing to hire because they are better able to assess the economic conditions. Skilled workers continue to be in demand,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo.

ifo Business Survey — 15 April 2024

German manufacturers hardly have to struggle with material shortages anymore. In March, 10.2% of the companies surveyed reported shortages, down from 14.6% in February. “The supply of raw materials and intermediate products has recently seen significant improvement,” says Klaus Wohlrabe, Head of Surveys at ifo. “The situation is now almost back to how it was before the coronavirus crisis.”

Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed — 12 October 2023

The business climate for Germany’s self-employed has brightened considerably, finds the latest ifo survey for this segment (“Jimdo-ifo Business Climate Index for the Self-Employed”). In September, the index rose to -14.4 points*, up from -19.9 points* in August. “The country’s self-employed appear to be recovering from their economic low point,” explains ifo expert Katrin Demmelhuber. “Whether this improvement will last will become clear over the next few months.”

ifo and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Economists Panel — 2 March 2021

Just over a year ago, on January 27, 2020, the first case of SARS-CoV-2 was diagnosed in Germany. Since then, politicians have been battling with the drastic effects of the pandemic, including via the special conferences between the federal and state governments, which have become something of a regular fixture. At the most recent such meeting, which took place on February 10, 2021, it was decided to extend the lockdown and to reduce the target incidence rate from 50 to 35: only once the incidence falls below this value will there be any further easing of restrictions, particularly as regards the retail sector. The 33rd ifo and FAZ Economists Panel looks at current coronavirus policies and the outlook for Germany in a survey of 177 professors at German universities.

ifo Employment Barometer — 29 March 2022

The willingness among companies in Germany to hire new staff has taken a knock. The ifo Employment Barometer fell to 102.1 points in March, down from 104.3 points in February. This is its lowest level since May 2021. The current high level of uncertainty in the economy due to Russia’s attack on Ukraine is making companies more cautious when it comes to personnel planning. However, there are no signs of an increase in unemployment at this time.

ifo and Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung Economists Panel — 7 October 2022

Accompanying its war of aggression on Ukraine, Russia has successively reduced gas supplies to Europe. As a result of Germany’s strong dependence on Russian gas, the supply freeze has led to a drastic shortage and price explosion on the energy market, burdening households and businesses alike.

ifo Business Climate Index for Germany — 24 June 2020

Sentiment among German companies has brightened further. The ifo Business Climate Index rose from 79.7 points (seasonally adjusted) in May to 86.2 points in June. This is the strongest increase ever recorded. Companies’ assessments of their current situation were somewhat better. Moreover, their expectations leaped higher. German business sees light at the end of the tunnel.

ifo Business Climate Index for Saxony — 1 June 2021

The ifo Business Climate Index Saxony saw a sharp increase in May 2021. The barometer of business sentiment jumped from 95.9 to 99.3 points. This was mainly due to the markedly higher expectations of the companies surveyed. Their assessments of their current business situation also improved considerably compared to the previous month.

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