ifo Media Center

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Statement — 21 October 2022

The energy crisis – especially the shortage of gas due to a loss of supplies from Russia – is plunging Europe into recession and causing social tensions and distributional conflicts. European governments are eagerly seeking ways to defuse the situation, but they will succeed only if they cooperate closely. The cross-border energy market must remain open, and the European Union should leverage its market power when purchasing gas in third countries. But without coordinated national crisis-management strategies, Europe’s response could become a self-defeating subsidy race.

EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Service
Data set of ifo's micro data.
EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Trade
Data set of ifo's micro data.
EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Industry
Data set of ifo's micro data.
EBDC Data Set – ifo Business Survey Construction
Data set of ifo's micro data.
Statement — 12 August 2022

It is unclear why the European Central Bank has introduced a new asset-purchase instrument instead of using its existing Outright Monetary Transactions facility. By shielding countries from both market forces and political commitments, the Transmission Protection Instrument risks destabilizing European monetary union.

Statement — 9 August 2022

How can inflation be contained in Germany? Wages are currently playing a major role in this discussion. Trade unions point out that the current inflation rate of more than 8 percent is reducing employees’ real incomes. 

Statement — 1 July 2022

In February 2020, the European Commission announced that it would present a plan for reforming the eurozone’s economic governance, including the rules for public debt. After a lengthy postponement due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the project is now back on the table, amid widespread calls to give governments more leeway, for example to finance climate protection spending. 

Statement — 23 June 2022

There are currently increasing calls to impose a special tax on the rising profits of energy companies, also known as an excess profits tax. These companies are accused of profiting from the war in Ukraine, which has led to a shortage of energy supplies and sharply rising prices. Some politicians are stoking the mood by speaking of “war profiteers” and a “tax on greed.”

EBDC Data Set – Bildungsminister-Datenbank
Statement — 3 June 2022

The German government’s relief package is well-intentioned. But regulation and subsidies aren’t a sustainable way to combat inflation.

EBDC Data Set – ifo Education Survey
EBDC Data Set – ifo Education Survey
EBDC Data Set – ifo Education Survey
EBDC Data Set – ifo Education Survey
EBDC Data Set – ifo Education Survey
EBDC Data Set – ifo Education Survey
EBDC Data Set – ifo Education Survey
EBDC Data Set – ifo Education Survey
EBDC Data Set – EBDC Business Expectations Panel
Data set of EBDC Panel Data.
Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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