
Demographic Change, Urbanization, and the Costs of Public Services in Municipalities

Client: KfW Group
Project period: September 2016 - March 2018
Research Areas:
Project team: Prof. Dr. Joachim Ragnitz, Xenia Frei, Dr. Felix Rösel


Demographic change in Germany will affect the society and the public sector in many ways. This project for the KfW group examined the relationship of demographic change, urbanization, and the costs of public service provision. The ifo Dresden Branch investigated whether increases and decreases in population size affect public expenditures asymmetrically.

Publications (in German)

Frei, Xenia, Joachim Ragnitz and Felix Rösel, Kosten kommunaler Leistungserstellung unter dem Einfluss von demografischem Wandel und Urbanisierung, ifo Dresden Studien 80, ifo Institut, 2018 | PDF Download

Frei, Xenia and Felix Rösel, "Bürger gehen, Ausgaben bleiben: Schrumpfende Städte leiden doppelt"ifo Dresden berichtet 25 (02), 2018, 03–06 | PDF Download

Portraitbild Prof. Joachim Ragnitz

Prof. Dr. Joachim Ragnitz

Managing Director ifo Dresden