
Skills and Competencies in Munich and Upper Bavaria

Client: Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Munich and Upper Bavaria
Project period: Juli 2022 – März 2023
Research Areas:
Project team: Oliver Falck, Nicolas Bunde, Anita Wölfl


The study will be conducted within a framework agreement with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for Munich and Upper Bavaria. This is a major, ongoing project involving independent, scientifically based economic advisory work. Details

Skills shortage is one of the greatest risks for the Bavarian economy. It will hence become even more important to balance labor market supply and demand in the best possible way.  Continuous education is an important lever when it comes to "matching" supply and demand.

However, this requires knowledge about which specific qualification needs, which competencies and which skills companies are looking for. Such conclusions can be drawn from advertisements from job portals and company websites. 

The primary objective of the study is to inform companies and decision-makers in Munich and Upper Bavaria about competencies and skills that are in demand and to raise awareness of these trends. The results can thus help to optimize the design of further education and adapt it to the specific needs of companies.


The study analyzes detailed online job advertisements for Munich and Upper Bavaria from 2019 to II/2022 to map current trends in the skills and competencies required by companies. 

Monograph (Authorship)
Nicolas Bunde, Oliver Falck, Anita Wölfl
ifo Institut, München, 2023
ifo Studie
Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck

Prof. Dr. Oliver Falck

Director of the ifo Center for Industrial Organization and New Technologies