ifo Media Center

The ifo Institute invites you to participate in the discussion of interesting economic topics via the Internet. In our ifo Media Center a whole series of remarkable events are available and can be viewed in full length. We also record selected speeches and presentations given by employees or at events and make them available in our Media Center.

21 hits:
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Management Assistant (ifo Dresden)
Media Center – 15 July 2022

Pensions will be increased more than they have been for a long time in the summer of 2022 – as a result of wage increases in 2021. What role do the sustainability factor and the catch-up factor play in this? What are the long-term challenges facing the pay-as-you-go system – and how could they be tackled now?

Media Center – 12 July 2022
Prof. Marcel Thum
Prof. Ronnie Schöb, FU Berlin
Prof. Jürgen Schupp, DIW Berlin
Prof. Jürgen Wegge, TU Dresden
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
Media Center – 10 May 2022
Media Center – 3 May 2022
Dr. Anna Kerkhof
Prof. Anna Sophie Kümpel, TU Dresden
Prof. Marina Münkler, TU Dresden
Prof. Marcel Thum
Prof. Thomas Günther, TU Dresden
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
Junior Economist and Doctoral Student
ifo Dresden
ifo Dresden
Managing Director ifo Dresden
ifo Dresden
ifo Dresden
Director ifo Dresden
Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Dr. Cornelia Geißler

Head of Communications
Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman, Teamleitung für Digitale Kommunikation, Kommunikation

Dr. Maria Kuwilsky-Sirman

Team Leader Digital Communication
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