Funding Policy

Regional disparities in income and employment opportunities, infrastructure, mobility, education, and health are sometimes very pronounced both in Europe and within Germany. Funding policy is therefore a key lever for supporting the development of economically and structurally weaker regions and for creating equal living conditions.

Großbaustelle mit Gerüsten und Bauarbeitern
Großbaustelle mit Gerüsten und Bauarbeitern

Reorientation of the Funding Policy since 2020

Funding policy is undergoing a twofold reorientation. With the start of the new EU funding period in 2021, there will be new rules for the receipt of funding as well as new priorities regarding how to assess and distribute it. At the same time, the German federal government has bundled its regional programs starting in 2020 into an all-German funding system for structurally weak regions, so that they can be better coordinated across government ministries. In our research, we examine the effects of funding policy on economic structures and regions and provide recommendations for how to design funding policy.

Portraitbild Prof. Joachim Ragnitz

Prof. Dr. Joachim Ragnitz

Managing Director ifo Dresden